Reaching others near and far.
The missions ministry at Oakdale exists to equip and send followers in the great commission given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 to “Go and Make disciples”. We believe that all followers of God have a call to share the gospel wherever God puts them.

PRAY for the gospel of Jesus to spread to the edges and corners of your community, state, and the world! (John 14:13-14)
PRAY that people would respond to the hope found in Christ alone!
PRAY that God would give you the burden, opportunity, and boldness to share your faith with someone from your work, school or family! (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2)
PRAY about participating in a short-term mission trip! God may be calling you to spend a week or two in an unfamiliar place, serving and sharing love with those who desperately need Jesus!
The mission ministry of OBC is focused on sending people to do the work of the gospel which means training and educating people to be disciple makers. Evangelism training and opportunities are scheduled throughout the year. (1 Timothy 4:6)
Equipping our members is more than training - We want to see people obediently answer God's call without the barrier of finances. OBC’s “Experiencing Missions” budget helps support people who are participating in a short-mission trip and other missions opportunities.
All OBC Missions opportunities will include training to help you be prepared and effectively do the work of the gospel wherever it may take you!


The ultimate goal of the OBC missions ministry is to reach the places and the people with the gospel that have not yet heard. (Acts 1:8)
Starting with our immediate neighborhoods here in the Oakdale Community, then to the Oklahoma City metropolitan area where there are great needs, then stretching out to our state and country where secularism, Mormonism, and many false ideologies remain prominent, and finally to the ends of the earth where people still have not heard the name of Jesus, OBC’s mission is to fulfill the Great Commission!
OBC plans multiple domestic and international mission trips each year which you can find below. You will also find many local ministry opportunities as well.
Missions Opportunities
For more information about any of these events contact Missions Pastor, Micah Compton.
Reaching Souls International (RSI)
RSI is an Oklahoma City based missions organization that seeks to reach the most people in the most efficient way. Their model is to use national missionaries in their own contexts to reach their own people with the Gospel. This year RSI has invited some of our church leaders to take part in a National Missionary Conference by teaching different topics in theology, evangelism, and church planting. Many of these missionaries have also expressed needs in their churches such as roofs for their church buildings and medicine and food for their members. We will get to support these missionaries in a mighty way as they preach the gospel to their communities.
In this beautiful country there is great need for basic necessities such as food, medicine, and housing. On this trip with one of Pastor Justin Ford’s good friends Kirk Lightfield, we will seek to meet people's physical needs to show them the solution to their spiritual needs. As we distribute resources and build small but efficient houses we will share the love of Jesus with the people of Guatemala City. No construction skills necessary.
Cuba Para Cristo
This will be our second trip to visit our partner and friend Pastor Yoel. He is a faithful minister to the people of Cuba and through his ministry has seen many churches spread across the island country. This trip will challenge the group physically, mentally, and spiritually as we engage the small villages in central Cuba with the gospel through one on one evangelism and nightly church services.